7 Life Winning Plays









When your coach tells you that if everyone executes their responsibility at their position THIS PLAY WILL SCORE. You pay careful attention to your assignment. Well, if you execute these “7 plays” on a daily basis you are always one moment away from scoring in life on and off the field!

The SMO wheel is a steering wheel to direct you to your destiny.  You must place both hands on the wheel, grab the Word of God as your GPS and let’s work together in reaching your destiny!

The pathway to grow from “Boys2Men” is a process in each area of our lives. You may have grown physically into a man, but have you grown emotionally (in the soul) as well as spiritually into a man so that you  reach your destiny. I confess there are times I whine and complain and throw a fit when I don’t get what I want, when I want it! This is a good indication I have a lot of growing up to do! Where do we begin?

“If you daily choose to Diligently practice your Disciplines with Determination in God’s divine Direction and Power using Discernment, then you will have a great destiny.”

Let’s unpack this statement containing 7 D’s  (7th D- Diesel or Power) that took a lifetime of triumphs and failures to learn: SEE SUPPORTED VIDEOS HERE!

First and foremost you have got to get God’s divine direction. Pat Morley who $38 million dollars in one day once said, “You could climb the latter of success and find out the latter is leaning on the wrong building.”

You must be determined to stay committed to the course no matter what comes your way.  The lion which is mighty among beasts instinctively knows to retreat before no one. (Proverbs 30:30)  The only way to begin this journey is to define and refine these disciplines to be successful.  The disciplines can be spiritual, athletic, academic or professional.  For example, if you are a linebacker you must perfect the art of delivering the blow/making tackles, reading offensive formations, and quickly recognizing whether it’s a run or a pass just to name a few disciplines associated with a linebacker that must be refined. Using discernment, you will evaluate where you are in the journey and what it’s going to take to get you to your destination. You may need wise counsel to assist you in the discerning process. This begins when you decide to pursue truth.

Once you have got your disciplines defined. You must practice them diligently until you become excellent. If you will diligently practice those disciplines then destiny is around the corner!  This can be a life changing destiny altering vehicle to drive through the crazy roads of life, but I realized I can only go so far in this vehicle pushing it by myself. This vehicle needed some gas! The grace of God is the DIESEL or gas that gets this vehicle moving! Without His grace there is no sustainable enabling power to continue the journey. Do not rely on your ability to behave but in the God who has the power to save! My prayer for you and I is to discover this powerful truth so that we do not lose heart, grow weary in doing good and quit before you achieve your destiny.

Your athletic destiny can be a moment you execute a play where the game is altered to a wining outcome for your team. Better yet, how about when you reach out to someone and their life is altered to a winning outcome?  The ultimate destiny is to hear from your Heavenly Father, “Well done good and faithful servant, you have fought the good fight of faith.”  Everybody wants to hear that from your Heavenly Father and feel that joy from the Spirit.

So as you can see these “7 plays” if executed on a daily basis can make an impact on your life or someone else’s life. What if you do not execute? Then your life and others can be impacted negatively. You are always one play away from accomplishing your destiny in each area of your life.

Run the race that’s set before you whether it’s in the classroom, the athletic arena, or in the market place. “Run the race that’s set before you in such a way that you may win.”( 1 Corinthians 9:24)

If you would like a playbook please contact me or Lizzy Munter at lmunter@crossroads.org. (suggested $5 donation)